 sobre instrument tailandès

ranat ek o ranad ek o Roneat Ek

This is the gong wong thom. The song is called Phleng Pat Cha (sounds like chinese food). Enjoy.

Paul DeMarinis - The Messenger, Internet Based Installation

1998/ Revised 2005
The Messenger is an Internet driven installation based on early proposals for the electrical telegraph, in particular those made by the Catalan scientist Francesc Salvá. It examines the metaphors encoded within technology, especially lost or orphaned technologies and tries to trace their origins, speculating on the way that mechanisms are the repositories of larger unspoken conceptions and dreams. It takes the telegraph as a point of departure from which to examine the relationship between electricity and democracy, and how electrical telecommunication technologies have participated in our solidarity and in our isolation, in our equality and our oppression, in the richness of our experience and the uncertainty of our lives. Email messages sent from around the world are received by a computer and spelled out, one letter at a time over three fanciful telegraph receivers: a circular array of 26 talking chamber pots speaks out the letters in 26 different voices. Men, women, schoolchildren and aged pensioners are jarred into vocalization when their individual letter is activated. The watery resonance of the metal bowls creates a unique reverb for each voice, disconnecting it from the other voices and from the acoustic space of the gallery.

Rain Dance, Paul DeMARINIS 

Play Music with rain and an umbrella


Robert Wilhite's gongs...

Robert Wilhite's gongs... he estat buscant i no trobo info a internet sobre aquest senyor.
extret de

video de la expo a SOlway Jones Gallery de California

Milwaukee Servoelectric Guitar Project




The skrabalai is a Lithuanian folk tuned percussion instrument consisting of wooden bells. Trapezoid-shaped wooden troughs of various sizes in several vertical rows with one or two wooden or metal small clappers hanging inside them. It is played with two wooden sticks. When the skrabalai is moved a clapper knocks at the wall of the trough. The pitch of the sound depends on the size of the wooden trough.

The skrabalai is gouged from a piece of hard wood – oak or ash. The size of the troughs varies from small ones (7–12 cm. long, 5– cm. wide, 6–7 cm. high), to larger ones. The walls are 2–3 cm. thick. The skrabalai was used by shepherds from ancient times. They used to tie a wooden bell of this kind on a cow's neck, thus making it easier to find the animals in a forest if they strayed from the herd.
web d'instrmuents


whooah! see Constantin Lusers' Vibrosaurus here or here

At this point in time, everything about the instrument and its maker looks to be written in Austrian, nevertheless from this video the instrument looks to being played by up to 40 Brass Horn players. The Vibrosaurus is sculpturally drawn out from 10 Trombones, 10 French Horns, 10 Tenor Horns and 10 Trumpets.